
Lecture notes, tutorials and labs

I'm not teaching this year, but you can find here the ressources from previous courses I gave and prepared material for — they may be slightly different from what was given to students, as I am merging changes over the years.

Proofs of security (M2)

The purpose of this module is to present the reductionist foundations of cryptography. It introduces the fundamental cryptographic primitives and associated security models, both in the symmetrical and the asymmetrical worlds, and prove the security of their instantiations.

Introduction to cryptography (L3)

The purpose of this module is to give an overview of cryptography. It introduces security notions, basic primitives, elementary reductions but also cryptanalysis aspects and perspectives offered by post-quantum cryptography.

Algorithmique pour le CAPES (M2)

The purpose of this module is to reinforce the algorithmic capabilities of CAPES candidates, working both on writing and oral skills.

I only made public the student version, but feel free to reach me to get the teacher version and/or the source of the material.